Abhishek Kadam

 abhishekk19@gmail.com https://linkedin.com/in/abhishek-kadam-26a06170 https://github.com/lycuid https://lycuid.github.io

 https://leetcode.com/lycuid https://www.codewars.com/users/lycuid

(A Few) Hobby ProjectsclulessA fantasy motivated, customizable, dynamic tiling window manager.C, Makefile, ShellclubarA minialistic statusbar, inspired by xmobar and dwm's statusbar.C, Makefile, ShellclutermTerminal Emulator (wip).C, Shell, Makefilecluless.vimvim color scheme for cluless grid.Vim Script
Other projects can be found on github

Technologies used

Commonly: C, Golang, Docker, Python, HTMX, Typescript, React, Postgresql, AWS.
Frequently: Haskell, Rust, Graphql, Sqlite, Guile scheme.
Occasionally: Erlang, C++, Racket scheme, Angularjs.


ApeLabs (Rosnil technologies Pvt. Ltd.)May 23 - present

Lead Software Engineer (current)
  • Company Landing page and front-end for online store (Nextjs, Framer-motion, tailwind).
  • Mobile application for primary product (Flutter, React native) "ongoing".
  • Distributed LLM training, over multiple gpus across multiple systems, for a custom chatbot -- currently for faq/customer-support etc (pytorch, huggingface-transformer) "ongoing".
  • Reviewing code, handling deployment, and managing/mentoring a team.
  • An Independent 'Identity' service for user authentication, identity and profile management(python).
  • Entire backend infrastructure, database architecture and system design for an online ecommerce store.
    • A simple 'Cart' service (with ability to mark and reuse "stale" carts).
    • A 'Product' service which handled items with both staticly defined attributes (color etc) as well as dynamic attributes (engraving/stickers from user's input).
    • An 'Discount' service, with ability to embed business logic (constraints such as min value, limited usage etc) mostly at the database level, rather than on application level.
    • 'Shipment' and 'Transaction' service, with third party service integrations which was hot-swappable via the admin dashboard.
  • Automating tasks for the online ecommerce store.
    • Shipment queues on valid payments
    • Customer communication on order status updates (django, AWS SQS, celery).
  • In-house admin dashboard for online store, (django, HTMX).
  • Complete devops for the online store (Docker (\w compose), AWS)
Front-end: NextJs | Typescript | Tailwindcss | HTMX | Framer motion
Back-end: Django 4 | Python 3 | Django REST Framework.
Other: AWS | Database architecture | System design | Docker (\w compose) | Pytorch | Flutter | React native | Huggingface Transformer | Redis | RabbitMQ | Postgresql.

Care24 (Aegis Care Advisors Pvt. Ltd.)Sep 17 - Oct 19 (~2 years)

Senior Software Engineer (2 years)
  • A Grading system which led to automating comsumer bookings (python, reactjs).
  • Managing two small teams (project management, code reviews).
  • Mentoring developers and interns.
  • Optimizing primary VPS leading to monthly cost reduction upto 60% (AWS).
  • Complete devops and backend dev for 2 indepedently launched apps (AWS, python).
  • Deployment pipeline revamp for primary app (AWS, Bitbucket).
  • Email, SMS, IVR, Ticketing automation (python, js, third party integrations).
  • Payment gateway, Background Verification integrations (python, third party integration).
  • In-house email (gmail) management tool (GSuite, Gmail API).
Front-end: Reactjs | Typescript | AngularJs | Angular 8.
Back-end: Django 1.8/2.2 | Python 2/3 | Django REST Framework.
Other: AWS | Apollo2/GraphQL | MongoDB | Redis | RabbitMQ.

Full-Stack Web Developer (~1.5 months)
  • Maintaining the legacy code
  • refactoring, testing etc (python, js).
  • Creating REST APIs
  • Business Metric visualization tool (used by operation and marketing team).
  • A Simple general purpose tabular report generation tool (the most used app by every team).
  • Web interface that automated about 40% work, while adding a better structure (used by finance team).
Front-end: Reactjs | AngularJs | JQuery | Javascript.
Back-end: Django 1.8 | Python 2 | Django REST Framework.
Other: Postgresql.

Freelancer / Self employed (as a student).Mar 12 - Sep 17 (> 5 years)

Script Writer and Web/Desktop App Developer
  • Landing pages for events by various local communities.
  • Website with voting mechanism for various festivals (local).
  • Desktop GUI application for some local businesses.
  • Landing page with Custom CMS dashboard from ground up, for a brand new startup (https://k3technologies.co.in).
Languages used: PHP | Javascript | JQuery | Python 2 | Tcl/Tk (Tkinter withpython).